Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fifteen Years Ago Today

Merry Christmas in Heaven, Daddy!!  We rejoice with you!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Erica's Thanksgiving...

I have to be honest and admit that we missed having Erica with us this Thanksgiving.  But I also have to say how happy we all were for her that she got to spend this Thanksgiving with her "Mississippi" family. Erica had not seen them for a year and she was SO excited about them coming to North Carolina.  She wanted to spend every moment with them that she could.
Happy to be with her Dad!!
Happy to be with her "middle" sister, Taylor...

And ESPECIALLY happy to see her new littlest sister, Julia!!   These pictures do not capture how beautiful these three sisters really are.
Chris was so kind to bring the girls over on Friday and spend a couple of hours with me.  I always enjoy her visits so much.  She brought me Dunkin' Donuts Gingerbread coffee, and Dunkin' Donuts chocolate mint Christmas coffee.  I'm going to be thinking of her often as Jon and I share these special treats!!
Thanks so much, Chris!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Beautiful Thanksgiving.....

The day's preparation began at 4:00 am when I spanked Tom Turkey and popped him into the oven.  Mr. Riley was the first to get turkey when I sliced and deboned it around 8:30.

Amy, Joey, Cameron, JB, and Linda arrived around 9:00.  By then I had the cranberry relish and gravy done.    Amy prepared fresh fruit:  pomegranate, blueberries, apples, clementines.  She made Janice her special sweet potato casserole   She roasted mushrooms, onions, sweet potatoes.  Add to that homemade mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie!

Chef Joey busy in the kitchen........

Papa and JB playing legos!

Around noon Joey went and picked up Lisa and Janice, his aunts.  It took a lot of persuasion to get them here, but it was such a privilege!  I think they really enjoyed it, but it was a big excursion for them.  Last year this time, Lisa's kidneys failed.  She has been on dialysis every since, so it meant a lot to us for her to be with us.
Linda was such a help!!  It was a beautiful time together.
JB was our helper. He kept waiting on us all.

Mr. Riley just couldn't get enough.

There Always Will Be God

They cannot shell His Temple
Nor dynamite His Throne
They cannot bomb His City
Nor rob Him of His own.

They cannot take Him captive
Nor strike Him deaf or blind
Nor starve Him to surrender
Nor make Him change His Mind

They cannot cause Him panic
Nor cut off His supplies
They cannot take His Kingdom
Nor hurt Him with their lies.

Though all the world be shattered
His Truth remains the same
His righteous Laws still potent
And Father still His Name

Though we face war and struggle
And feel their might rod
We know above confusion
There always will be God.

Words adapted by Ester Hobbs

God is Good!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my dear family and friends!  God has so richly blessed us this year and supplied our every need.
Hope your day is a most happy one!

Linda and Jon

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What a Pair!!!!!!!!!

Humm.........double trouble?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Out for Thanksgiving!!

Whoohoo!!!!!!!!!  Let the good times begin!

Amy had to take Lisa to Winston today for a doctor's appointment. The kiddos got out at noon, so she brought them to us.

I had the dough all ready to make Gingerbread men for the cookie jar.  Jordan really tried, but his texture issues were too much.  The kids are all growing up.  Notice that my 13 year old, instead of making cookies is texting!  Help!  Times are changing!
However, they DID enjoy eating them. I guess some things don't change.
Cameron, in between texting for Nanny chilled out with Mr. Riley. JB was running around taking pictures with Nanny's camera, and Erica was chatting with friends on Facebook.
Only Little Buddy!  This is what Amy walked into the boys bedroom and discovered!  He had decorated his bunk for Christmas!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Surprise Package..

Who doesn't love to get a package?  Especially when it's a TOTAL surprise!!

Yesterday was one of those "days."  I got a surprise package from my niece, Stephanie C..  When I opened it, I was delighted.  Steph had heard that I loved loved loved Norman Rockwell.  Inside my package was a beautiful collectible Norman Rockwell plate,  "The Apprentice."

I will always cherish the plate and the kindness it represents!  Thanks so much dear Niece!!!

Our Jiff

 We are so very proud of our Jennifer.  This year Jennifer has taken animal behavior college classes as well as finishing up her high school. She has maintained a 4.0 average, not bad for a 16 year old!

Jennifer has always adored horses. As part of her  college internship hours, Jennifer has been working at a local stable.  She is truly in her "element." I think these pictures show that.

Last year during the holiday season, Jennifer was very ill. She spent six days in intensive care.  We about lost her to sepsis.

Thanking God for our most special granddaughter and his goodness to us!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to two of my dear sisters!!!  Avon's today, and Pam's on Sunday!  I love them so much!

Avon's Beautiful granddaughter says it the best!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


"Make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what's been given and delighting in the work. It is God's gift!"

  From Patricia Bigger's Gratitude Journal