Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Erica's Thanksgiving...

I have to be honest and admit that we missed having Erica with us this Thanksgiving.  But I also have to say how happy we all were for her that she got to spend this Thanksgiving with her "Mississippi" family. Erica had not seen them for a year and she was SO excited about them coming to North Carolina.  She wanted to spend every moment with them that she could.
Happy to be with her Dad!!
Happy to be with her "middle" sister, Taylor...

And ESPECIALLY happy to see her new littlest sister, Julia!!   These pictures do not capture how beautiful these three sisters really are.
Chris was so kind to bring the girls over on Friday and spend a couple of hours with me.  I always enjoy her visits so much.  She brought me Dunkin' Donuts Gingerbread coffee, and Dunkin' Donuts chocolate mint Christmas coffee.  I'm going to be thinking of her often as Jon and I share these special treats!!
Thanks so much, Chris!!!

1 comment:

Avon said...

The girls are just beautiful and I must say the coffee sounds yummy !!