Friday, February 28, 2014


Here's the post you've been waiting for!!!! Coming home!!!!! Jon had pneumonia in both lobes of his right lung when he was admitted. Today's CT shows top lob clear and but still a little in the lower lobe. 
Doctor is discharging with strong antibiotics, physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory, and home nurse, and home aide to continue nursing at home.
CT to be repeated in six weeks.

Last three day entries on Jon

Keep waiting for the doctor to come in before updating.....but...
Jon has been in the adult critical care unit since Sunday. Pneumonia when admitted and some type of infection. They have been giving him doses of powerful antibiotics.
Hoping for some answers when the doctor comes in.
My gentle giant is weak, tired, and worn to a frazzle. He has faced the past difficult days with courage, but his spirit is truly sagging.
This is hard to see but definitely understandable.
We are very pleased with the good care he is getting here. But poor Hubs says he feels like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. They sometimes just seem to swarm around him. But they are doing what it takes to make him well.
Thanks so much for holding us up in prayers for these unending weeks!!!!

 Finally home after leaving before daybreak this morning. Jon had a good lunch, a sweet visit from Avon and Joe, a nap, and an encouraging afternoon visit from Pastor Davis. So by the time I left he was in much better spirits. Once he resigned himself to staying, things got better.
He is very happy as well that they have scheduled physical therapy to start tomorrow. He so desperately wants to get up and moving, and come home. With physical therapy he feels HE IS DOING SOMETHING. Progress is good. The doctor will do a cat scan before he is discharged.
Feeling your prayers lifting our spirits!!

Our ever faithful Amy brought me up this morning. Always nice to be let out at the front door, but she has the long walk from the parking garage.
Found Jon in good spirits, which made us really happy.
Cat scan scheduled for tomorrow and hopefully it will be clear and he will be discharged.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hospital Update for my Blogger Friends

Doctor just in. Going to keep Jon until the weekend to avoid another relapse. Jon IS NOT happy!!!!!!
Please pray for his strength and endurance.....he is way beyond exhausted!!!!

Finally home after leaving before daybreak this morning. Jon had a good lunch, a sweet visit from Avon and Joe, a nap, and an encouraging afternoon visit from Pastor Davis. So by the time I left he was in much better spirits. Once he resigned himself to staying, things got better.
He is very happy as well that they have scheduled physical therapy to start tomorrow. He so desperately wants to get up and moving, and come home. With physical therapy he feels HE IS DOING SOMETHING. Progress is good. The doctor will do a cat scan before he is discharged.
Feeling your prayers lifting our spirits!!

Back to another Hospital

Keep waiting for the doctor to come in before updating.....but...
Jon has been in the adult critical care unit since Sunday. Pneumonia when admitted and some type of infection. They have been giving him doses of powerful antibiotics.
Hoping for some answers when the doctor comes in.
My gentle giant is weak, tired, and worn to a frazzle. He has faced the past difficult days with courage, but his spirit is truly sagging.
This is hard to see but definitely understandable.
We are very pleased with the good care he is getting here. But poor Hubs says he feels like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. They sometimes just seem to swarm around him. But they are doing what it takes to make him well.
Thanks so much for holding us up in prayers for these unending weeks!!!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Hospital Tour.....

I guess I need to bring my blogger friends up to date. Jon has now been in three different hospitals in the last four weeks.
He was home from rehab about a week when he got very sick. This past Monday he was admitted to the local hospital with what proved to be sepsis. Because of several choices and getting him to the hospital quickly, God has now for the second time spared Jon's life. We give God all the glory!!
Jon came home yesterday, not entirely well, but much better.
Would you please pray specifically for:
1. That Jon's blood pressure would stabilize
2. That Jon's oxygen levels would come up. He is now on oxygen 24/7
3. That the sepsis rash would be halted.
4.  That his temp would stay down. It broke at four this morning, and so far has stayed down.

This picture was taken a couple of days ago and it is much much worse now, almost solid red.
Thanks so much for all your prayers!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Update on Jon

Good Morning, I thought it was time for an update on Jon. We are so very happy to have him home and he continues to amaze us.
Jon came off all his narcotic meds with very little side effects. Since the steroids were the only med before surgery that gave Jon relief, I have held my breath as we have reduced his doses for the last three days. Last night was his last one. I begin to notice a new tiredness and an increase in pain level two days ago.
Without negating the miracle of God or diminishing Jon's courage, I did recognize that at rehab Jon was on large does of steroids. At the moment that was necessary and good, to keep down the swelling on his spinal cord and it gave him the "ump" to get up and moving. That was awesome, because it showed Jon what he was capable of.
So for now, it may look as though Jon has taken a step back, but I don't see it that way. The surgeon told us before the surgery that this is the way it would be. So for now, although feeling much weaker and not resting as well at night, we are still very much thrilled with the progress we are seeing. He continues his therapy at home.
Love to all of you from the Delamarters

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jon's Home!!

Jon was discharged today, two days early, because of our winter storm moving in tomorrow.
He was discharged as "home bound." He is restricted to his walker and still progressing.
He will continue to received physical therapy and occupational therapy at home. They will "graduate" him from step to step.
There was a "boat load" of excitement. Trying to get settled in, meds redone, equipment placed, etc.....was a mammoth task.
He is incredibly happy and immensely tired. At the moment, Amy has tucked him into bed for a much needed nap.
Margaret is off picking up a few groceries and meds.
I'm "agonna" rest tonight..................with my dearest by my side!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Update from Jon Abram on his Dad

Dear Ones,

Brothers and Sisters, rejoice with me! 

Dad continues to improve at an astounding rate. The doctor told me today that he plans to discharge Dad in a week. He is very pleased with Dad's progress; said that Dad is a "real overachiever". Dad is walking well, though tentatively and with great concentration, using a wheeled walker. The therapists have him walking up and down a few steps each day plus doing lots of exercises. Today, for the first time, he was able to use some of the tools and techniques that the Occupational Therapist has taught him to actually bathe and dress himself, completely without assistance. Dad has worked incredibly hard, pushing through pain and fatigue. All of this is amazing, especially considering that Dad hadn't been able to walk at all a few days ago.

The greater miracle is the revival that God has ignited in Dad's heart! He is so cognitive of the blessing of life that has been given to him. He has had a truly life-altering experience, and is telling anyone who will listen. He has expressed the strong desire to live his remaining days to the glory of God in a much more intentional way, setting aside unnecessary distractions. It has been my distinct privilege to stay at the hospital with my Dad, pretty much around the clock since I've been here. Dad and I have had so many wonderful conversations and have enjoyed sweeter fellowship than we've ever known. What a blessing these days have been.

Underlying and enabling all of these blessings is the hand of God, moved by the fervent effective prayers of His saints. It is my prayer that all of you will be encouraged and blessed by our good news.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Before Surgery Pictures

Surgery Journal........II

Surgery journal 2 2 14


I fell into bed around four yesterday and passed out. Erica said I snored for hours, something I rarely do. Awoke around seven, watched the clock wondering if it was too early to call Jon. Surprise! The phone rang and it was his dear voice!! He couldn't wait either!

Jon had a good night and was in good spirits. He continues to improve on his ability to turn himself in the bed. Doctor was in this morning and encouraged Jon that rehab would be equipped to start him on the road to a good recovery.

Margaret, Jiff, Lyndy Lou, Jessica Mae, Erica, and I made it to church!! Oh, how wonderful to enter into His house!!! I felt so awed, just being in His sanctuary!! We have been so loved and blessed by our dear people at Faith Chapel. The greatest of news!! Faith's new website will be up today, where we can go and listen to the services!!!

Pastor Davis finished up his series on "Priorities!" I didn't have a "fast food meal." I didn't have an "institutional/hospital meal! " I felt as though I had eaten at "Outback!!" I received enough nutrition to feast on all week!!!

Came home and Margaret fixed such a beautiful lunch. Now she is watching Jon Abram's flight(he just landed in Minneapolis) and counting down the minutes unto his arrival at seven in Charlotte!!

Amy is on her way out toward Ashville with Joey's family for Lisa's burial. Poor Girl has a serious migraine. Avon and Joe are enroute to Virginia for Uncle Gilford's funeral.

I've been enjoying just washing a few dishes, a few clothes, sitting in my recliner, holding Susie, and listening to wonderful sibling banter!!

Counting the minutes until I see Jon tomorrow!

Blessed beautiful Sabbath!!! God is so good!!

Surgery Journal...not sure if this is in order

surgery journal 1 28 14

A lot of variables here. If the electrical signals start to show serious damage, they will stop. A biopsy will be done immediately and if malignant, they will stop. If the tumor isn't self contained and has intertwined with nerves, who knows?
God knows!!!

Just met with surgeon. They are still in surgery closing the wound. It was an ependymoma,self contained, rather large. They removed it in two pieces. Preliminary report is it is benign. So far, this is the very best scenario. There was a temporary concern in nerve signals and they paused the surgery briefly. All indications at this time is that all looks good.
He is not out of the woods yet and is in ICU.
Will be a couple of hours before we see him.
Won't let me stay in with him over night. Winter storm moving in. Margaret is trying to get me and her into the Hospital House.

The most beautiful words, first words Hubs spoke to me, "Honey!! I can move my toes!!!"

Longest day of my life!!!

Beyond exhaustion....
Margaret and I are at motel near the hospital. Finally lying down!!

Jon kept saying,"Honey, thank everyone!!! "

So very very tired. Thanking of my sweet family making the two hour drive home in a wintry mix.

Margaret taking such tender care of me.

Cried when I had to leave my Sweetheart...

"Rest well, my Love, may sweet Jesus be near you!"

Margaret and I arrived here this morning around nine after. Wild ride on the motel shuttle driven by a drunk driver on "treacherous roads!" That's a story Margaret and I will be telling the rest of our lives!!
Jon is in a lot of pain. It didn't help that they took him down at 4:00 a.m. For a post MRI and rolled him off and on on a backboard.
He spiked a fever during the night. He has to lie flat of his back until 4:00p.m.

Jon has complained of more pain in his left leg. I noticed his left toes were significantly colder than his right ones. Doctor agreed and they are fixing to do a Doppler on his left leg.
Sats dropped to 85 per cent, so he is back on oxygen.
If all goes well, he will be moved to a regular room tonight.

Fever broken. Last dose of morphine helped. Jon resting. He keeps asking me what time is it... He can't wait to get off his back,hopefully around five.

Margaret left at 4:30. For the first time I am here alone with Jon.
His left foot is finally warm!!! PTL
At five they attempted to sit him up. It was pretty rough. Finally settled on just an 18 degree angle. I guess this will be a gradual process for him to bear it.
Just gave him more Valium. They are gradually "un wiring" him.
Not sure if he will be in ICU again tonight or not. They aren't saying.
I can't use my phone in here.
Thanks for prayers

Long long long pain filled night. No sleep. The finally put him on clear liquid diet last evening. We have to call and order it ourselves. It took me ten hours of voice recordings telling me the y were busy ,had stepped away from desk,etc before he got some nutrition at five this morning. He hadn't had anything since Monday. He was s o happy for some bullion.
The night shift crew has been great.
Changing the guard now. Physical therapists supposed TP get him up today.
My beautiful soft hymns on my IPad helped us so much through the long night!! Kept pulling us back to The Source of our strength.

Hooray!!! Jon on regular diet. Just ordered him lots of protein. Eggs and cheese, bacon, milk...will keep his blood sugar down and hopefully give him some strength before physical therapy. He is so weak, I've been having to lift his legs to position them, massage his aching legs and feet. So very hard for him to get comfortable.

A wonderful new friend from Jon Abram's church, Peggy, has been so incredibly kind in so many ways.
Yesterday, she came to take Margaret home with her for a good nights rest.
She brought me a comfort tote. A comfy throw, all kinds of nutritious snacks, and drinks. How wonderfully big, this Family of God.

Physical therapy worked with Jon with high hopes of him walking. But as I suspected he was too weak. All they managed was to get him to stand briefly before his legs gave way. Not a great deal of progress.
He's exhausted.
Margaret is here. Please pray for Amy as she makes the drive here alone.


Good news first: post MRI was great. All of tumor removed

Not so good news: neurosurgeon was just in. Jon does have feeling. But this extreme weakness is from the nerve signals now misfiring. He says Jon has a long hard road ahead of him. Now it is all hard work. Will have to go to rehab to relearn.

Serious prayer request!
Case manager was just in. High Point Regional and Moses Cone both have the extensive rehab the doctor feels Jon needs. Now it is a matter of who will or even if they will accept him. I can drive to High Point everyday, but am unable to drive alone to Moses Cone. If neither accept him, he might be able to stay here, which is so far from home. The only other option is a nursing home where he cannot get the extensive therapy.
Thanks you for your prayers!!

Good Morning, Friends and Family,
Margaret scarfed me away last night for a lovely supper and a good nights rest at my new friend Peggy's home, only a 30 minute drive from here. So nice to meet her kind husband,Sam.
Found Jon in good spirits. Right now he is witnessing to the Chaplin.
Good news! Case manager just came in, High Point Regional has accepted him,insurance approval pending.
Planning to transport him Monday morning!!! Praise The Lord!!
He seems stronger today and moving more. He keeps saying, "I want to stand. I want to walk!!"
I keep saying, "you will!!!"
I read in The Word this morning that He made a way in the wilderness, His mercy endureth forever! This has seemed like a wilderness at times, but Jesus has/is/will lead us all the way!!!

Jon has had a good day. Seems to be gaining strength.
Margaret and I came back this morning and are spending the night.

Funnie for the Day:

Fox News and Jon on steroids...that's what you call "hepped up" politics!!

The morning started early per hospital routine.
Six a.m. Lights abruptly on doctor calling my name. I couldn't crawl out of my dazed sleep.
Margaret goes and gets me and Jon coffee. I manage to get a shower while Jon is going through the "change of the guard."
Margaret helps Jon make his breakfast choices and ordered.
By the time I'm dressed for the day, Margaret already has Jon fed.
I finally awoke. What would we do without Margret?
We are expecting Pastor and Sis. Oliver around noon. Plan on going home and "regrouping" for Jon's move to High Point on Monday.
Jon Abram flying into Charlotte Sunday evening.
Jon continues to grow stronger. He has huge load of determination.
At HP he will receive three hours a day of intensive therapy. They only have sixteen "suites" where patients with spinal cord injuries are retaught life skills.
Still trusting insurance approves this.
Thanks for all your love and prayers.

Home...........well, sorta. I'm here, in this mobile home, these are my things, my "stuff." They look familiar, and yet it is as though i'm viewing them all as one in a dream...
Home is where the heart is..... and my heart is in a little hospital room many many miles away.
Rest, sweet healing rest.........I need you so desperately.... I need you to renew me so I can return to my love, pick up my post, and march on forward, ever forward into tomorrow's uncertain days......
Days that will unfold as I hold to "God's unchanging hand!" The future is as bright as all the Promises of God!!
For now.........I lay myself down and rest in the shelter of His arms....