Friday, February 28, 2014

Last three day entries on Jon

Keep waiting for the doctor to come in before updating.....but...
Jon has been in the adult critical care unit since Sunday. Pneumonia when admitted and some type of infection. They have been giving him doses of powerful antibiotics.
Hoping for some answers when the doctor comes in.
My gentle giant is weak, tired, and worn to a frazzle. He has faced the past difficult days with courage, but his spirit is truly sagging.
This is hard to see but definitely understandable.
We are very pleased with the good care he is getting here. But poor Hubs says he feels like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. They sometimes just seem to swarm around him. But they are doing what it takes to make him well.
Thanks so much for holding us up in prayers for these unending weeks!!!!

 Finally home after leaving before daybreak this morning. Jon had a good lunch, a sweet visit from Avon and Joe, a nap, and an encouraging afternoon visit from Pastor Davis. So by the time I left he was in much better spirits. Once he resigned himself to staying, things got better.
He is very happy as well that they have scheduled physical therapy to start tomorrow. He so desperately wants to get up and moving, and come home. With physical therapy he feels HE IS DOING SOMETHING. Progress is good. The doctor will do a cat scan before he is discharged.
Feeling your prayers lifting our spirits!!

Our ever faithful Amy brought me up this morning. Always nice to be let out at the front door, but she has the long walk from the parking garage.
Found Jon in good spirits, which made us really happy.
Cat scan scheduled for tomorrow and hopefully it will be clear and he will be discharged.

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