Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Always There

My kids call me the helicopter Mama........hovering over them. You've heard how with my App and the little pink dot(Jon Abram's Iphone) I can watch their journeys via satellite. Last winter when Jon Abram had to make the dangerous winter crossing at  night through the Snoqualmie Pass in Washington, I was there with him. I kept my eye on the mountain pass cameras and was able to tell him how the winter weather was affecting the road before even he got there. We were able to talk and help to keep him awake and alert until he reached Margaret at the Seattle airport. Once there(and I knew just when they were together, by the dots on both of their Iphones) I could rest and sleep.

Amy and Erica have been at Bob Jones University for the last three days. The helicopter Nanny went to Youtube and found "A Documentary of Campus Life" at the college. I loved it, I toured the entire campus, the cafeteria, auditorium, the dorms, the classrooms, etc. I was able to actually see just where they were and what it looked like. I felt as though I was right there with them.

After three long days and an evening assembly, Amy and Erica were ready to make the long three hour drive home last night. Although Amy doesn't have an Iphone with the "helicopter" feature, I knew we would keep in touch through texting(Erica, while Amy drove). I wanted to know if Amy was fighting sleep, driving through rain, what mile marker she was at, etc. I knew I wouldn't fall asleep until the final text, "I'm home, Mama" came through.

My Ipad was propped up on the open drawer at eye level beside my bed. I was waiting. At 9:03 the text popped up, "Headed to the car." Okay, prayers begin. And internet WENT DOWN!!!  No, no!!!! And stayed off until THIS MORNING!

I felt totally cut off.... I didn't want to call...Jon was asleep. I kept wondering what she was thinking when Mama didn't respond to her text.... I seemed to have disappeared.

But the wonderful thing was that my heavenly Internet had not/and never would "go down!" My "horizonal" communications were limited, but my "vertical" one was running on "full reception!" So I lay and prayed during the long three hour trip. God KNEW where they were...   He knew about the pouring rain... He knew about my sleepy daughter... I KNEW I could trust them to His care.  I did still long for that "journey over" text.

Finally this morning around bing Ipad started updating the night's postings, texts,etc.  Yes, there were Amy's texts, "raining hard, Mama...."  and then "Home At Last" came through at 12:03 a.m.

I was so reminded as I looked at those delayed texts of how many times I've stressed/worried over things........that God had under control all along.  I've prayed and prayed and seen no answers.............. Knowing full well that God answers EVERY prayer I pray......... Some of those answers were immediately obvious, some came slowly, and some of those answers will only be revealed in eternity....

Some of my friends and loved ones are "driving through hard rain," some are growing tired, and some are "FINALLY HOME!"

So,until I get that "FINALLY HOME" text from them, I'll continue to do my best to pray faithfully and know that God is ever working.........ever seeing, ever knowing....ever answering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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