Friday, December 31, 2010

Great Is Thou Faithfulness....year 2009

Today Jon and I are enjoying a blessed day filled with God's precious Presence.  We began the morning together with a hot cup of coffee and listened to a message by our former beloved college president, S. D. Herron, "Being Filled with the Spirit."
After a beautiful rendition of "Great Is Thou Faithfulness" on our radio, we recounted God's personal faithfulness to us again this past year. Oh, how our hearts have been thrilled afresh and anew with our awesome God and Savior.
We enjoyed breakfast together. Fresh eggs from our neighbor, homemade bread from a dear friend in our church, sliced apples and coffee from a little widow lady.
Afterwards I sat at my computer and scheduled bill pay.  I wrote our checks and was able to pay off two of my medical bills, thanks to our part of our church's Baby Jesus Birthday Offering.
Now, I ask you....why should I worry of fret about tomorrow....January 1, 2011?  Every need He is supplying!  So undeserving, yet so grateful for God's wonderful provisions, and dear family and friends who so graciously share with us.
Happy New Year to you all!!!!!!!!!!  Our God still reigns!!

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