Friday, December 23, 2011

Going for the Gold!

Dear Friends and Family,

Hard to believe that it's Christmas Eve's Eve!!  This year has gone so swiftly.  I hope it's been a blessed one for each of you dear ones.

This week we've had our Melinda here fromMebane and consequently Erica has spent a lot of time with us as well, since the girls are best buds.  I felt I really accomplished something this year, I managed to make cookies with Erica three different times. They've been frozen for family affairs, tomorrow at Jon Abram's and Sunday at Amy's, Lord willing.

Jon and I have enjoyed the girls so much this week. They've kept us laughing. And since they've entertained each other, Jon and I have been able to have our down time as well.

Tuesday evening I dragged the big trash can out to the road for next morning pickup(the can has wheels).  Lyndy Lou must have seen me out the window because she came running out the driveway to meet me and scold me in a loving fashion, "NANNY! You shouldn't have done that, with all due respect, you're not getting any younger, you know!"

I felt a surge of joy rush through me.  "Oh, Yes, I am, Lyndy!" I responded.  "Though the outward man perishes, the inward man is renewed day by day.  I'm growing younger everyday!"  It was like a moment of fresh revelation!  I AM GROWING YOUNGER EVERY DAY!  I'm nearer home!  It isn't a sad thought, it's a beautiful hope!

Now, don't get me wrong...  I love life, every day of it!  I cherish it and count it a joy.  Every day is a gift, and I'm thankful.  Each morning, I'm excited about living another day for God. And I'm especially happy to share that day with  my precious companion!  How very good God is to us.

But what an overwhelming thought that as this mortal body winds down, It's really "reviving up(no irreverence intended) for a better day!  My investments are in another world!  No stock market crash there!!!  

I saw a news clip the other day of how scientists are experimenting with genetics in their labs and........... someday man will live forever!  Okay!  My first response was to figuratively throw up my names and holler, "No, No, No!!  Not here!"  Hey, that's kind of like depriving someone from their life savings.  Live here, in this world?  Humm.  I dont' think so! You'd have to be nuts!  I've been planning this trip for a loooooooooong time, and no crazy scientist is going to cheat me out of it!

Many of my dear friends have lost loved ones this year.  My heart has especially felt for them as they are facing "first" holidays with that big empty spot in their hearts, around their tables, and during the Christmas Season.  But they've all "died in faith."  What a precious hope we have!  Parting is painful, but not forever!!!

So today, I really am growing younger!  I see the finish line. It's in view!  I have set my face like a flint!  I won't turn back!  I plug my ears from the sirens of this world!  I'M GOING FOR THE GOLD!

And this great race, there's not just one winner!  We can all make it across the finish line!

Merry Christmas!  Thank God, He Came!!  Thank God, He died!  Thank God, He arose!  Thank God, He lives!  Thank God, HE IS COMING AGAIN!

Love to all you fellow runners!  If you're not in the race, join up now!

Love, Linda

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