Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Like My Father

 This morning, I arose an hour later than usual and went to my deck. I sat on my swing, feeling as though I didn't have the strength to even remain upright. My Bible lay beside me, my cup of coffee in my hand. It was a rain kissed morning. I soaked in the beauty of it all. My gorgeous flowers, my friendly little "regulars" at the bird feeders.

Too tired to even open my Bible, I just sat in the quietness and talked to my Father. He understood all about me. I felt so emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained. I finally opened my Bible to one of my favorite passages, John 14...intending to read on through the precious Great High Priestly prayer of Jesus. But as so often, I didn't make it that far. The living breathing Word began to speak.

I read verse 14, a very familiar one. If ye shall ask ANYTHING in My name, I will do it. I thought of how many times I've used this promise to come to my Father in "crisis moments," or to ask for BIG things, or perhaps a lost soul. Indeed, all these things my Father is concerned about. I began to think of how most of these requests concerned situations or people that I wanted God to change. Perhaps circumstances that made me uncomfortable, or brought me pain.

Then I realized that this promise also meant that I could claim God's grace to CHANGE ME!!  Whoohoo........ Okay, this old, very familar scripture was a WOW moment for me. I began to think of God's grace. Grace for every trial. Grace for every moment. Grace for every circumstance. I remembered that I am not saved to be blessed, but to bless others. I was reminded that God brings all things into my life to perfect me, to "fine tune" me, to mold me.  But most importantly to do His will.

I thought of my relationships. Have you ever had someone come into your life who just "drives you nuts?"  That "gets on your last nerve?" That NO MATTER what you do, it just never seems to flow? That makes you lie awake at night, just exhausted from all the "drama?" Now that's what I call misery!! ha ha  How often have I "whined" before God, wanting Him to "change" that person?  PLEASE make me more comfortable!!!  

I realized this morning that God is tired of me asking Him to change the other person, but that if I ask, His grace is sufficient. Yes, He can change me!!  He wants me to pray for, expect, and embrace His grace...to make me more and more like my Father!

Okay, so this is such a simple revelation "how cum's" it seemed so new and revealing to me? Because, God's Word is living, breathing, chastening, directing, new ,and fresh every day! As I always do when a passage really speaks to me, I checked the "sandwich." In other words, I wanted to read the verses that this one was "sandwiched" between in order to get the right context.

Okay, so guess what? The verse before it had just said what I'd just discovered? Hello? How did I miss that? Here it is...And whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that I will do, that THE FATHER MAY BE GLORIFIED in The Son! Noooooooooooo. not that Linda might be more blessed, might be happier, might be relieved...ha ha. but that THE FATHER MIGHT BE GLORIFIED!!!

So.......whatsoever I ask...let it be that my Father would receive glory! That His name might be magnified! That His kingdom be advanced! That I BE LIKE MY FATHER!

You know, I love to speak of my earthly father...of how greatly he has influenced my life. Of how he has left an indelible mark on me.  How my heavenly Father longs to do that for me and in me. That other's would see His mark, His influence, His lasting beauty in me. 

That The Father might be glorified.......whatsoever I ask....... Today Father, I ask "let the beauty of Jesus be seem in me." Today, I place myself anew on the potter's wheel. Thou art the potter, I am the clay...

At the kiln, Linda

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