Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today, We Remembered...

Today we remembered........

Today the weather was gorgeous and I talked my best friend, Hubs, into riding to town together. We shared a cart in Walmart, since we both need to walk, but sometimes just bottom out.
We picked up our few items. I had a buy one get one free coupon for Whoppers and we took our tea along with us.
Jon ordered at the window and parked in a cool spot. The crab apple trees were in such beautiful bloom, he let the car windows down for the gentle breeze. We sat there enjoying the moment together and we remembered:

We remembered the late '60's when Hobe Sound had only one gas station, practically no stores and only one red light.

We remembered that when one of us got the once a month off campus privilege how we usually went to West Palm Beach with our college chums... Never in mixed company.. We remembered how we would always bring the other one a Whopper back, Wow! What a treat that was!!

We remembered the snowy evening at Christmas time, 1970, in Harrisburg, Pa. when we were traveling back from NY to Va. before we were married. We had seen a sign that Burger King had Whoppers for $.39!! We HAD TO STOP. We watched huge snowflakes begin to drift quickly down. It was one of the worst blizzards of the century.... we were stranded along the interstate for a while... I KNOW YOU remember that, Naomi!

So many memories.....43 years of them. As we chatted of these things and thoughtfully finished our Whoppers, we looked deep into each others eyes and smiled! A lifetime of loving Christ and each other warmed our hearts.........Jon backed slowly out and we headed home.

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