Saturday, June 14, 2014

Great is Thy Faithfulness!!!

Beautiful Saturday morning!!! As soon as I'm able to sit, I'll move to my deck.

I went to bed last night with such a heavy heart. Really hurting over a situation. I even found myself awakening during the night, having to plead the blood over my mind.

I awoke early in His Presence. With His prompting, I turned my Ipad on and listened to a certain section of the scriptures. I knew what I needed. I knew what He had promised. As His precious Word spoke to my heart, I said, "Yes,Lord! Yes!!" He talked to me. I listened. I talked to Him. He so tenderly listened and responded!!

My heart felt the healing balm of Gilead!!  How I love His Word!  He/It always meets my needs!!

Thank you, Lord!! Great is thy faithfulness!!

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