Monday, July 23, 2012

Beautiful Family

My sweet niece Steph, her wonderful husband, Alvin, and one week old Olivia Eve!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Tea Party!

Friendship has got to be one of God's greatest gifts to us!

On Friday, Roberta(My editor-in chief) took me to the printing company to design the cover for my devotional book.  It was really interesting and Roberta stuck with me, trying to make decisions.

After that, I had a nice surprise!  Roberta took me by Irene's home.  Both of these sweet ladies have been my friends for many years. I so seldom get out that I had forgotten how special time with friends can be!  Irene served us hot tea/coffee, homemade chicken salad sandwiches, and homemade Queen Elizabeth croissants. It was all such a pretty setting.  I laughed so hard at Roberta trying to set this time release camera and run back into the picture!!

Afterwards, we retired to the comfy living room where Irene shared her beautiful songs/choruses/poems that she had written.  What an inspiration!  These dear friends are such a blessing to others!

I was quite tired when I got home, but I realized that I had drank up all this happiness like a dry brittle old sponge!  Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful blessings to me!!

He Daily Loadeth Us With Benefits..........

This summer was the first one in 23 years that Jon and I didn't put in a garden, not even one tomato plant.  I've been so hungry for fresh summer produce.  I asked Amy yesterday, hesitantly, about the flea market possibly having some cheaper produce.  It had rained "tigers and elephants" during the night, and we knew the ground would be really muddy. So I knew I couldn't push my walker.  But the Lord knew all about it.
Yesterday afternoon a friend from church stopped in. She brought us fresh beets, corn on the cob, home grown tomatoes, okra, and crowder and october peas.  My sweet hubby helped me get lunch today and then he washed all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen!!!  I couldn't resist taking a picture of my plate!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July Moments.......

Melinda spent four days with us this past week and Erica was here a couple of those days, they don't see much of each other anymore. They had a great time.  Coffee Latte........they discovered Papa's whipping cream........
One day they made two of Great Grandma Sower's famous homemade chocolate pound cakes to share with neighbors. It's such a very stiff batter that it's almost impossible for Nanny to mix it anymore.  They wrapped the four sections in tin foil, added cards, tucked them into a pretty decorative tote and headed down the street to deliver them, while Nanny sat under the tree and kept a close eye on them. They enjoyed that...

Still on day four, Nanny hadn't been anywhere or done anything special with them.  They chose the Antique Emporium.  We coaxed Papa into going with us and taking Little Buddy, who had never been. There are so many "guy" things there and the fellows had a wonderful time.

Lyndy Lou loved all the old telephones!
Nanny enjoyed telling Erica about the old kitchen cabinet with the built in flour bin and sifter just like the one that was so much a part of her  childhood!

Cameron was fascinated with the bicycle built for two!
Lyndy Lou went home Wednesday afternoon and Cameron spent the night with Nanny and Papa, for the first time in almost two months.  He also discovered Papa's whipping cream, loaded his chocolate milk with it.........wiping it all out!
The next day he managed to start a fire with a magnifying glass...
Happy days......

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Growing Up.....

Nanny is never much happier than when she has granddaughter's going to church with her!!
Ahhhhh..........just LOVE my 13 year olds!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

New Great Nieces

The new Grandma, my sister Avon, and Olivia Eve, born on July 12th, 6 lb. 13 oz.
Proud Grandma and Grandpa.......
Super proud Mom and Dad, Steph and Alvin, and sweet Cupcake!!

This morning, on July 13th, my sister Pam was blessed with a new granddaughter as well.My nephew Josh and his wife Esther had a beautiful little girl, Summer Rose, 9 lb. 10 oz.

We are really adding blessings!!! Congratulations to the families!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy 17th!!!

I call her Miss Melly.  But for all her life Melody has had the nickname, "Buddy." And no wonder!!! Melody has always cared so deeply about others, especially her family.

About a month again, my oldest granddaughter gave me a wonderful gift.  She came in and said, "Nanny, I'm yours for the week. I brought no school books, and no computer!" Wow, what a gift of herself. Now, Nanny's can be rather boring for teenagers, I'm afraid. But Melody wasn't thinking of herself, true to form! We shared so many happy moments together on the deck, attending campmeeting, etc.
Today, we celebrate a life.  Melody Joy's 17th birthday. We celebrate all of Christ's beauty that shines through her.  I love you, MISS MELLY!!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Miss Melly

Our dear Melody will turn 17 on the 8th.  They had her a birthday party Monday, but we weren't able to go. Jon Abram got her shelf up that her Papa did for her. He found this at a yard sale, discarded. Sort of reminds me of "The Old Violin." After her Papa got through totally refinishing it, it was truly a thing of beauty!
Nanny gave her one of her Grandma Sower's depression glass platters to place on it. The doilie was part of her Grandma and Grandpa Sower's home for most of her Nanny's life.  The little figurine sitting on the doilie was a gift from her Grandma Delamarter.
Melody is one young person who has a love and appreciation for "old things."
She is special in so many ways!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

JB Graduates!!

After several years of speech therapy, JB has graduated. It has made such a difference!  He is also reading very well.
JB adores fire engines. So Papa picked out this book on the history of fire engines as a special gift for him.. It's loaded with beautiful pictures as well. JB was very pleased. Here Papa is sharing with him.

From Generation to Generation

Margaret was given Dad Delamarter's quilting materials after his death.  She took this quilt top that Dad had done of old Ford and Chevy cars and trucks and made Cameron a gorgeous quilt for his 11th birthday.
He came in last night carrying it and grinning from ear to ear. He is like his Uncle Brother(Jon Abram), who always lived quilts!
Margaret did a beautiful job and made one little fellow happy. Cameron loved his Grampa Delamarter so much. So this quilt is really a treasure for him.!!!

First Edition

Thanks to many long hours of proofreading, and a labor of love by my dear friend, Roberta Miller, Volume I of my devotions is now ready. There will be two more volumes to come.

A heartfelt thank you to such a friend!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Not Even an Angel!

I walked around the yard this rain kissed morning. I checked out Mama's Four O'Clocks, that bloom only in the morning and evening hours. My Snapdragons were in bull bloom as well as the pansies, petunias, cone flowers, calla lillies, asters, and my huge mum.  
Jon joined me on the deck and we watched the birds for a while. A little Carolina Wren practically hopped into our laps.  We shared the Word and prayed together.  We so much cherish these moments, such a gift from God. I reread aloud this story:

I was thinking this morning on the Presence of God. How much I need Him! 
I was reading the other day about Moses after the "Golden Calf" experience. God was angry with the children of Israel and told Moses that He would send an angel before him to lead him. But God was not going to go with him.
A few years ago, angels were all the "rage.' They're still pretty popular and frequently appear on emails. Now don't misunderstand me, I appreciate all the celestial power I can get. I know there have been many times my "guardian angel" has been kept quite busy.
But there's a great truth to note here. Moses wasn't satisfied with an angel leading him. In fact, he petitioned God in a definite way. "If Thy Presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." In other words, I CAN'T go without You!
He further reminded God that God knew him by his name, and that he had found grace in His sight. And then we read these powerful words, "Show me Thy Glory!"
You know that wasn't presumptious on Moses' part. Why? Because He had a close relationship with God, he had walked with Him.
There have been many times I felt as though I couldn't face tomorrow . The uncertainties were overwhelming! And I felt like Moses. It would have meant nothing to me for an angel to go before me. In desperation, I NEEDED Him! No one else would be sufficient! No one else understood! No one else knew me like Him! No one else had the wisdom or power to help me! Only Him!!!!!
Lord, unless YOU go before me, I dare not "go up!", go on, etc.
Lord, Show me Thy Glory! You know my name!
Unworthy? Yes, you better believe me! But in verse 6 I find the answer:
"The Lord, the Lord thy God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth!"
Lord, today please "go before me!"   Linda