Sunday, July 22, 2012

He Daily Loadeth Us With Benefits..........

This summer was the first one in 23 years that Jon and I didn't put in a garden, not even one tomato plant.  I've been so hungry for fresh summer produce.  I asked Amy yesterday, hesitantly, about the flea market possibly having some cheaper produce.  It had rained "tigers and elephants" during the night, and we knew the ground would be really muddy. So I knew I couldn't push my walker.  But the Lord knew all about it.
Yesterday afternoon a friend from church stopped in. She brought us fresh beets, corn on the cob, home grown tomatoes, okra, and crowder and october peas.  My sweet hubby helped me get lunch today and then he washed all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen!!!  I couldn't resist taking a picture of my plate!!

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