Friday, October 11, 2013

My "Selfie" Camera

A lot is being said these days about "self infatuation," the constant photographing and posting pictures of oneself. It is often referred to as Narcissism....totally focusing within.

My Ipad, like most "Smart phones," has two cameras.  I can use it as a camera and take pictures of the things I view, or I can tap a little icon and the camera reverses, focusing on ME.  Oh, help, not a pretty sight at all.

I've been thinking and praying a lot lately about too much self absorption.  Too much fear of tomorrow, too many worries that drag me down. They often attack my mind like a broken record, round and round and round.  Often they are accusations of the Enemy or attacks of the Enemy's oppression. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that one be the proverbial ostrich and ignore that often these concerns are indeed very REAL and must be addressed.  But so many times these nagging, joy sapping, praise draining thoughts are unknown curves in the road ahead, and perhaps  even ones that we may never face. 

This morning as I was using my camera, the Truth really struck me.  I've got to stop using the "selfie" camera, turned on me.  Boy, that can be pretty depressing. I've got to hit the swivel button and turn the camera and focus around and focus it on God. much to see there, so much beauty, so much promise, such a bright future beckoning me on!!

I've really been trying the last few months to consciously focus my mind on God.  When I realize that I'm getting dragged down into the Enemy's quagmire, I turn to His Word, or I turn on Godly music, I listen and I look to Him!!  It's an amazing remedy.  

He reminds me of His promises and I claim them all over again. His grace IS sufficient!  He will supply ALL my needs!!  He KNOWS my frame, that I am dust!!  He FEELS my pain!  He KNOWS my disappointments!!  He has ALWAYS BEEN and ALWAYS BE enough!! He has NEVER failed!

There is NO way that I can look to Christ, focus on Him and NOT be encouraged!!  So, yes, God is reteaching me, ever so patiently, lessons that I thought I had learned. But with life, as it evolves always seem to take on a new and different face.  Getting old is an uncharted course for me.  But none of that changes His Promises!!  Nothing changes His love for me!  Nothing will ever catch Him by surprise!

So every day, every moment, I'm going to do my best to keep my "camera" turned upon Him!!  And as I behold His face, I'm renewed, refilled, and refocused!!!

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