I walked around the yard this rain kissed morning. I checked out Mama's Four O'Clocks, that bloom only in the morning and evening hours. My Snapdragons were in bull bloom as well as the pansies, petunias, cone flowers, calla lillies, asters, and my huge mum.
Jon joined me on the deck and we watched the birds for a while. A little Carolina Wren practically hopped into our laps. We shared the Word and prayed together. We so much cherish these moments, such a gift from God. I reread aloud this story:
I was thinking this morning on the Presence of God. How much I need Him!
I was reading the other day about Moses after the "Golden Calf" experience. God was angry with the children of Israel and told Moses that He would send an angel before him to lead him. But God was not going to go with him.
A few years ago, angels were all the "rage.' They're still pretty popular and frequently appear on emails. Now don't misunderstand me, I appreciate all the celestial power I can get. I know there have been many times my "guardian angel" has been kept quite busy.
But there's a great truth to note here. Moses wasn't satisfied with an angel leading him. In fact, he petitioned God in a definite way. "If Thy Presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." In other words, I CAN'T go without You!
He further reminded God that God knew him by his name, and that he had found grace in His sight. And then we read these powerful words, "Show me Thy Glory!"
You know that wasn't presumptious on Moses' part. Why? Because He had a close relationship with God, he had walked with Him.
There have been many times I felt as though I couldn't face tomorrow . The uncertainties were overwhelming! And I felt like Moses. It would have meant nothing to me for an angel to go before me. In desperation, I NEEDED Him! No one else would be sufficient! No one else understood! No one else knew me like Him! No one else had the wisdom or power to help me! Only Him!!!!!
Lord, unless YOU go before me, I dare not "go up!", go on, etc.
Lord, Show me Thy Glory! You know my name!
Unworthy? Yes, you better believe me! But in verse 6 I find the answer:
"The Lord, the Lord thy God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth!"
Lord, today please "go before me!" Linda
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