Thursday, January 10, 2013

As I sat by my window this morning, this verse from my reading warmed and thrilled my heart...

And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever...

And HE HAS!   You know me, I had to sing sing sing!  These words came to my heart........and as I sang them, this was my view from my window. Had to go out and snap this photo.  Not the most beautiful daybreak ever, but never the less, the dawning of a brand new glorious day. My day from my Father, my day to cherish, and live for Him!  And I don't have to walk alone....THE COMFORTER HAS COME!!!

The long, long night is past, the morning breaks at last,
And hushed the dreadful wail and fury of the blast,
As o'er the golden hills the day advances fast!
The Comforter has come!

The Comforter has come, the Comforter has come!
The Holy Ghost from Heav’n, the Father’s promise giv’n;
O spread the tidings ’round, wherever man is found—
The Comforter has come!

Lo, the great King of kings, with healing in His wings,
To ev'ry captive soul a full deliverance brings;
And through the vacant cells the song of triumph rings;
The Comforter has come!

O boundless love divine! How shall this tongue of mine
To wond'ring mortals tell the matchless grace divine
That I, a child of hell, should in His image shine!
The Comforter has come!

Okay, cup is running over!!!

1 comment:

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