Monday, January 21, 2013


I've stubbornly resisted requests from family and friends to join Facebook.  But with Jon Abram's family moving to Washington State, it appears to be the only way to communicate anymore.

I've discovered over the past that once bloggers join Facebook, they disappear from this site.  That made me sad, since I wasn't on Facebook.

I'll try to consider others in this as well, and continue to post here. I must admit is much easier to post pictures, but lacks the personal feel I find blogging my devotionals here

Of course, there doesn't seem to have been many of them, lately. Makes me sad, but God knows all about it.

Jon Abram's family left around ten this morning for Washington. I have pictures and will try to get them up soon. Right now I'm just too wrung out.

1 comment:

Dee Dee said...

You can do both. Use FB for your social connections, sharing pictures, checking in on the grandkids,etc.
But continue to share your own stuff on your blog. There is even a connector you can add that will post your blog postings right over to your FB page. I use it for my couponing blog.