Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Production Complete!!

Production Complete!!!
Thanking God this morning for my awesome tech guy, Little Buddy. I gathered pictures for weeks and spent two days creating an album to make a movie on my wonderful Jon. I so wanted it for the family for Christmas.
But between being sick most of that week, not having the right discs, and etc. ...it just didn't happen. Jon Abram's family was able to see it on YouTube, but I especially put it together for Mom D. It's been almost three years since she has seen Jon...
I just couldn't get it formatted right from my movie maker to burn to DVD, really stressed me because I had done it before when I made a movie of Mom and Dad.
Last night, Little Buddy was here, and with his 'I won't give up" attitude, his sharp mine, and a couple of hours..... he walked into my bedroom grinning from ear to ear!!! HE DID IT!!!!
This morning we worked together on a label maker program and finalized it!!!
Mom D.'s is IN THE MAIL!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas 2014

Concert night...

 Our handsome son....
And daughter.... ha ha ha....she was texting her Brother here...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Since Jesus Passed By

Good Morning, Friends and Family,

A beautiful sunny day here in NC.  I have been quietly puttering around in our kitchen as Jon played our audio Bible. I hope that doesn't sound irreverent, but sometimes sitting too long isn't so good. lol

John 3:16.... probably the most quoted verse in the Bible, breathed fresh joy into my heart.... God LOVED, God GAVE, Christ CAME!!!!!!

And then.....the story of the Samaritan woman began to unfold....

4 And he must needs go through Samaria.  (KJV)

4 It was necessary.... to go through Samaria...(Amplified)

Christ needed? It was necessary?  In actuality, it was the Samaritan woman who NEEDED...

 In reality, it was ME who was/ is so needy!!! And as I put away dishes... I was reminded that my needs are His! No, not that He needs, but what matters to me.... matters to HIM!!!

He needed to "go by" that dorm room in 1969. Why? Because this teenage girl was, oh, so needy!!!  And, yes, He told her "all that she  had ever done!"  A revelation for sure! She needed living water!  Water that would satisfy for all the years of her life!  Water that would well up as eternal life!

And yet now, He continues to "pass by," ever knowing my needs and having all the resources I need!!

So blessed today again by His living Word!!!  There's a song that keeps singing in my soul....

Since Jesus Passed By

Like the blind man, I wondered so lost and undone
A beggar so helpless, without God or His Son
Then my Savior, in mercy, heard and answered my cry
And oh, what a difference since Jesus passed by

Since Jesus passed by, since Jesus passed by
Oh, what a difference since Jesus passed by
Well, I can’t explain it and I cannot tell you why
But oh what a difference since Jesus passed by

All my yesterdays are buried in the deepest of the sea
That old load of guilt I carried
It’s all gone, praise God I’m free
Looking for that bright tomorrow where no tear will dim
The eye
And oh, what a difference since Jesus passed by

Since Jesus passed by, since Jesus passed by
Oh, what a difference since Jesus passed by
Will I can’t explain it and I cannot till you why
But oh, what a difference
Oh yes, my soul is singing
Oh, what a difference since Jesus passed by

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014


We had a beautiful family Thanksgiving at Amy's house yesterday. I was overwhelmed with His blessings on me. Especially my dear Jon who was so sick last holiday season. We were so happy that Alvin, Steph, and Livy were able to come in from Florida.
Sis, Avon, with her kids and grandbaby.

 I stole this photo of Mom D. and Ruth at their Thanksgiving meal at Phil and Patty's house! Miss them so much!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Back to the '60's....

Back to the '60's....
Today, I weep.
Today, I watched a nation divided. A nation wounded and bleeding.
I was lost as the news reel of my mind did a rewind...
I remembered...
The picketers outside of our downtown Woolworth's... wanting the right to sit at the soda fountain with me... a Southern Gal...
Hearing shots and running down the street as a young 16 old girl....wanting to observe, to know, to understand, to care.... as the National Guardsmen stopped the Blacks from entering our all white rec center....
Standing aside as the National Guardsmen ushered in the first two black students into our all white high school...
I remember stopping traffic and how angry and fearful my Mother had been with me the afternoon I accepted the kind offer of a fellow black student's umbrella over me as I left a department store on a rainy day and walked towards home...
It WAS dangerous...but perhaps my youth and for sure my strong sense of fairness and sincerity guided me..
I grew up in the deep South in the hot bed of the Civil Rights movement. I knew/know all about prejudices. I had/have a lot to learn.
Today...50 long years later...America is still bleeding, still divided. This is not a political statement. This is sorrow.
Sorrow for all Americans. Today, I weep....
God heal our land, heal our hearts. God awaits.....
Return America.....
Today, I pray.....

Sunday, November 16, 2014


 Jon has always loved Christmas...decorations, gifts, family.... This year he hasn't been able to go to the store. So the other day when Amy took me to town I asked her to take these photos and text them to Jon...wanted him to get some of the feel of shopping...
 JB came one day and we made cookies

 I just love this picture of Jessica Mae and Maggie that Jon Abram emailed me. Miss them so much.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Day After.....lol

Poor Papa is feeling the effects of yesterday. Now he is just enjoying sitting in his chair supervising Erica and Cam placing the village around... Lights.... Christmas music.....
Got some ready bake cookies for the grandkids to put in the oven later...
Right now there is some serious negotiating going on.... "Nanny, WHY can't we just eat the cookie dough? It's SOOOOOOOOO much better that way!!!"
Now I ask you................. what happened to the smell of cookies baking? lol

A Time to Be Thankful

If any of you folks out there think it's a little strange to put a Christmas tree up this early.....
My Jon has always loved Christmas!!! But last year he missed Christmas....was in the ER all Christmas Eve and into the wee hours of Christmas morning...and it just went downhill even more from there!
So this year.....I'm pulling out all the stops!!! We are celebrating Christ first!! And then.....we're celebrating life and blessings!!! He puttered all day yesterday working on putting up his Christmas village and is at it again this morning. What a beautiful sight!!
No, I've not skipped Thanksgiving!!! I'm absorbed with it, I'm rejoicing in it, I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness!!!
Happy Holidays, friends!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Nanny and JB Day

 JB, almost nine years old, is our youngest grandchild.  He's a bright busy little guy and we don't keep him very often.  But we love him very much.  Nanny took him to town to buy pansies. We went to the farm store which he adores.

 Had to get him a Happy Meal.
 Helping Nanny plant pansies.

Grandparent's Day at the Grandchildren's school

Friday, October 10, 2014

Choosing to Die?

I take a deep breath......one of hesitancy, and yet one of quiet urgency.
My heart has been terribly sadden over the story of Brittany Maynard, who plans suicide to end her life.
But more than her decision, it has been the media presentation that has grieved my heart. A video beautifully presented.....soft soothing music, atmosphere, all the subtle persuasion that says this is heroic and right.
I've thought a lot about it. I'm not a brave person. I don't like pain. I cannot comprehend facing suffering.
I know that I'm not unique and that I'm extremely blessed. I don't have to look far to see others around me who carry far heavier burdens and who suffer greatly.
As the weather changes, the leaves fall, and stores begin to stock their shelves for the holidays, my mind cannot help but remember how last year about this time Jon and I were about to embark on a journey we could have never imagined. One we would have never chosen.
My precious Jon was about to descend into the abyss of suffering. Doctor visits, specialists, ER'S, hospitals, surgery, ICU, critical care, sepsis, and pneumonia.
Even though I've never witnessed a man with more courage and strength, those long long nights of suffering will forever be seared into my memory. How clearly I remember one night, when Amy came to relieve me for a few hours, how I lay on my bed, as tear soaked my pillow. My heart was broken. I couldn't rest. How could I? How could I take solace in sweet rest when my beloved could find none? I remember crying out to God during the darkest of nights. And yet.....Jon's suffering continued.
Watching my dear one suffer, drained me physically and emotionally. And yet....who would know? Who could imagine? How could I have known?
"Jesus, Lover of my soul....let me to Thy bosom fly..."
How could I have ever known that "Jesus is the Lily of the Valley!" had we not descended into such depths?
Had someone tried to tell me that Jesus would be there, that God would ALWAYS BE ENOUGH....my faith would have failed. Without any intention of scoffing....my faith of THE MOMENT could not have possibly grasped it.....
That God is already in our tomorrows! That God's Presence will inhabit our days.... that as our days shall demand it....His Grace shall ever be!
No...I'm not "super spiritual." I'm not someone special......only to God.
I end this by saying.....I'm just ordinary....serving an amazing God.
What does tomorrow hold? Would I choose to end my life, rather than accept this wonderful amazing grace?
The journey of this past year has proven over and over that I can dare to trust this loving God, who chooses my path, marks my days, and orders up exactly what only He knows is right and good for me.
If only Brittany could know Him!

My Attorney

Today as I sat praying and thinking of the legal battle being waged in Raleigh for my grandchildren's school and church, the Lord rolled back time in my memory bank to years ago.

I was in the process of getting a day care for our Christian day school up and running.  Just getting the old college building renovated to meet state standards for a day care was a huge job.

The salesmen at Lowes groaned when they saw me coming. Buying plumbing parts, electrical supplies was daunting, and I was a woman in a man's world.

The city Zoning/Building Supervisor had become a personal friend of mine. I was never quite sure whether it was out of respect or pity.

The state was making another somewhat unreasonable demand on us.  Another door, another sink..... My Zoning friend finally said to me, "Linda, I'm giving you my own pager number.  If they show up. Page me, whatever, I'm doing, I'll drop it and  come!"

Well, they showed up. I paged. And in a matter of minutes my Zoning friend arrived.

I remember so clearly, I sat down.  He took over. He became my advocate. He became my attorney. After all, He knew the codes, all the details of my situation.

It didn't take long. My issues were resolved. My needs were met. My cause was heard. I, oh so incapable, had been represented by the Higher Up.

Christians, look up. March on. We have An Advocate!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Catch Up

Back to school!

Sisters on Labor Day

 Guess who got a bath?
 Grandparent's Sunday
 Yep!  Family time... ha ha ha

 Their other Grammie