Friday, October 5, 2012

Finished!!! I think...........

Well, today Jon and I put the finishing touches on my coffee nook. We've had so much fun together on this little project, that I think we both sort of hated for it to come to completion.

The coffee curtain was added.  I was so pleased to find these two little baskets used for $.75. Jon took the handles off. The first basket had a liner and one cloth matching napkin  which I lined the  second basket with.  I put packets of Equal in one, and coffee filters in the round one...perfect fit!!

The picture doesn't show the real color very well, but it is blond and white.  One day Jon came in with a blond wooden handle to add to the white pull out shelf. Just set it off and made it much easier to pull out smoothly.

I had found these coffee decor peel off and stick on decals that matched my wall paper border in the kitchen, but the wood on the back of the nook(which Jon still had not painted) was too rough for them to stick.  So I gave up on the idea of ordering them.

A few days ago, I noticed Jon was busy again. He found a nice smooth piece of wood in his shop, painted it white, and replaced the rough wood.  "Now!" he said proudly,"Honey, you order your decals!"  What an absolutely amazing companion!!!

I know, the decals, are crooked, but my shoulders gave me fits. Will try later, ha ha.


Alli said...

It looks like something from a hotel room. Very professional. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Way cool!

Jon A

Avon said...

Just beautiful !!!!

Anonymous said...