Monday, October 15, 2012

Some Kinda BIG...

This is my tree.  This is my fall tree.  This is my gift....

A couple of months ago, when the family was in we were sitting on the deck and I was relating how God had especially, beautifully, miraculously supplied a need, no, a desire of my heart!

My sweet oldest granddaughter looked at me, smiled and said, "You know, Nanny, I think God must love you SOME KINDA BIG!"  I replied, "Melody, honey, God loves ALL of us "some kinda big."  "I know, Nanny," she replied.  "But God DOES love you "some kinda big!"

Over the last few weeks, I've smiled many times as God has so often assured me of His special love through big and little ways.  But I think I've become convinced that my wise oldest granddaughter IS RIGHT!  God does indeed love me "some kinda big!"

As summer ended, I looked forward with great anticipation to the beautiful fall colors.  So many of the trees around the neighborhood have seemed to just turn into a dry dead look. But early on God did something indeed big for me.  Strangely enough, only the back side of our sugar maple turned a brilliant golden orange.

Last Saturday was our church picnic.  I had bought ready made items to take, hoping we would make it. But Saturday morning when Jon and I arose, we knew it wouldn't happen.  "Never mind, honey," Jon said, "we'll just have our own picnic on our deck."  The weather was gorgeous.  We took our lunch and a game to the deck.  There seemed to be just an unusual array of birds, including the melodious mockingbirds.  As we sat there enjoying each other and the day so much, the fall leaves continually drifted down.  It was a perfect day!!!  It was a "SOME KINDA BIG" day!!!!!!!!!!!

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