I hit the ground running this morning around 6:15. Jon had a 10:00 am. follow up apt. with his PCP. I managed to drink two cups of coffee on the run, reheating them about four times.
Trying to get us both ready was a real ordeal. Amy called and said she was coming to help. I assured her I could do it and about an thirty minutes before her arrival realized I desperately needed help.
By the time Jon was ready and sitting in the kitchen chair waiting for her to load up his oxygen, heat the car, etc. his pulse oxy had really dropped and he just looked like a melted puddle.
Amy got our entourage into the doctors office. The PCP pulled all his discharge records and confirmed that Jon had indeed been a very sick man. He mentioned how many folks were dying with pneumonia and mentioned how happy he was that Jon had not ended up on a vent. He reminded up that the recovery takes a while, that pneumonia just sucks your strength.
On our way to Walmart to pick up a Rx the grandkids' school called and said to pick up the kids ahead of the sleet and snow. Okay....... we are already watching Jon's oxygen tank level. We decide we have enough and Amy lets me off at the Walmart door. The line at the pharmacy was a little long, but........I figure we can make it.
The line slowed and just as I'm almost there, the man in front of me decides that he wants to check out his many items at the pharmacy. Okay, I've done that a few times, without much thought.
But now the clock is ticking on Jon's oxygen supply!! I'm sure no one would have understood if I had displayed just how impatient I was really feeling..... That made me think of how often I've judged others, simply by what I "see" or "know." It was thought provoking.... I don't think I'll every check out non medical items at the pharmacy again.
I FINALLY had Jon's Rx and practically ran out of the store, WELL, that is, I "ran/hobbled" out the door on a cane! lol
We headed up the interstate to get the kids, with me nervously watching the dial on the oxy tank.
We arrived home with it almost in the red. Amy and the kids got us in. Poor Jon had just enough time to sit at the table and grab a bite before a nurse showed up to evaluate him.
As you can imagine, he's been through the wringer!!
Such is a day in the Life of the Delamarters!!
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