Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Still Tracking

In Every Thing Give Thanks.................
The kitchen floor was a mess...
Leaves, mud, debris scattered all over...
Who was the culprit that had tracked havoc into my kitchen?
Humm..... there are Hub's sneakers near the table...
I picked them up and sure enough...........the sneakers identified the suspect!
I took the old worn sneakers to the edge of the deck rail and with a brush began to clean away all the mess.
Suddenly my eyes filled with tears, my heart overflowed.. My heart was just too full.
These dirty ole sneakers told a story... My Jon CAN WALK! His feet and legs, although often tired and pained...are still tracking..... walking into my kitchen...across my floor.... filling this home....
My heart was reminded of what "could have been." My heart is full of what is!!
So today, "Thank You, God! For reminding me afresh and anew that life is precious and good....that the mundane and oft taken for granted moments of life are gifts from Your hand!!"
So rather it's "Whiskers in the Sink" or "Leaves Upon the Floor..." today I thank You!!1

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